What would you do if you could be emotionally disconnect from the wrong of the past? How would you live? My aim is to disconnect you from what keeps you holding onto the past, allowing you to live in the present while building a successful and happy future.
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Mental Health Treatment Services

Change your life for the better

No matter in what life situation you find yourself in, I will assist you in finding a way out of your problems. Sometimes a simple relaxation therapy will go a long way, in other cases Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is needed and some coping mechanism need to be learnt and behavioural change implemented, to achieve long lasting results.

In some cases like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the use of Havening techniques might be more indicated.

If the support required is of holistic nature then Spiritual Healing will be used.

When planning to change your view of life then Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) life coaching will be the choice

Popular Therapies


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Life Coaching

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Services I Offer

I am a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist (CBH), a Havening Techniques Practitioner, a Reiki and Pranic Advanced Healer, a Mindfulness Teacher, as well as an NLP Life Coach. I am listing my areas of expertise not to boast my ego but to make you aware that a therapist needs to be an expert in various disciplines. My knowledge gives me the all-rounded knowhow that fully understand and support your needs.   I have always believed that the human mind is a treasure of volcanic powers that are miraculous in all their aspects.  – And some days it becomes a little burdensome to carry it all inside; that is where I step in.

I aim to relieve you of your worries, fears, traumas, habits, anxieties, stresses and depressions and teach you how to jump start your life again using the various techniques I have in my tool box. I know what you are feeling and where that feeling comes from. I understand what is going on inside you. My main concern is that you might think there is no hope, or that you can live with it without long term consequences, but unfortunately it is not always the case. There are ways to support the removal of unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that cause all that chaos in your head, so to relieve you of that weight as soon as possible, and I can make that happen. I will assess your needs and we will jointly plan for the right therapy accordingly. Making use of my tried, tested, and scientifically proven techniques, I will lift that weight off your mind and allow you to enjoy life to the fullest.

I am aware of the fact that these testing times are even more stressful for people with other underlying problems or old traumas. Now, more than ever, the need for an OnLine Therapist is a reality. Having a qualified therapist available for you online is a huge blessing. I have always believed that one should always keep moving forward and embrace the changes with optimism and enthusiasm. That is why I urge all my patients to switch to online, or at least give it a fair chance. Online therapy can reap even more benefits while respecting your comfort and convenience level. I aim to provide you the same excellent level of services and caring that you might get in an in-house session. You can easily book an online therapy session with me and get the same amazing results that you look for in an in-house session. But first, give me a call so we can decide together what support you need. I aim to utilize the in-depth knowledge I have accumulated throughout the years, along with the practical experience I have garnered to heal you. My doors are always open if you still prefer a one-to-one session in my clinic in Maidenhead – UK!

My clients are the living proof that I am true to my words. I know my job well and ensure to offer you the best I can. It is worth spending a few minutes to read my reviews, including the voice recorded testimonials I have received from clients, who logged into the sessions from different countries around the world, and that have successfully reaped the benefits of my online therapy.   Just a few example of successful therapies and treatment used

Havening Techniques

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression


Havening Techniques

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression


Havening Techniques

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression


Havening Techniques

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression


Specialist in
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a debilitating anxiety disorder, which is a painful result of experiencing a catastrophic event. Events likely to result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include sexual assault, rape, violent assaults, terror attacks, military combat, car accidents and job-related trauma witness (police).

These are life-changing events and without treating the trauma a person can life with harmful physical and emotional trauma leading to lasting impact including other forms of anxiety disorders and often depression.

You do not need to live with the lasting trauma of a catastrophic event and let it take over your life. I can help you to regain control of your thoughts and move forward in your life.

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Let’s talk…

Unsure of what you need, and how I can help? Let’s talk. You can then decide what, when and how to change your life for the better.

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How to get started and what to expect

It can be an emotional and big step to start online therapy, so well done for starting this journey for yourself. Starting with an initial online consultation chat , complimentary, to talk through your desires, tell you about our treatment process, confirm eligibility and book in our first session.

The first session is exploratory and your chance to speak in a safe space. This is a deeper dive into your trauma, anxiety or depression to identify any root causes and confirm your multi-discipline therapy treatment plan. There is no set duration for this first session, we talk until we have the answers we need. We agree together what the desired outcome objective is and build your treatment plan accordingly.

Your treatment plan is on average between 3 and 14 sessions, depending on the trauma or anxiety presented. These therapies are all conducted online for your convenience and speed of recovery. There will, for most, be some at home tasks to undertake to maximise the effectiveness of your treatment and encourage healthy mindset habits. Throughout your treatment you will encounter several milestones and mindset shifts, we strive for treatment to work quickly and effectively for you.

Online consultation

We learn more about you to understand the best treatment course for your needs

Exploratory first session to put together your treatment plan

The first meeting is about to open up yourself by defining your issues, background, feelings, and more to set goals. We will decide on the time duration and schedule along with the expected outcomes however you will get an overview of the therapy. Together, our next aim will be to identify your issues along with the results you want to achieve.

Complete your multi-discipline therapy treatment plan online

The therapies I offer usually consist of 1 to 6 sessions depending on the requirement. Throughout the sessions, we will work together to make your life happy by identifying the relation between your behaviours, feelings, and thoughts. You will also be given some home tasks to record the change and emotional states. You then instruct me of your desired outcome, and we create a therapy schedule with specific milestones and an end goal. This will allow us to monitor progress, and assess agreed objectives at the end of the treatment.

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Welcome to mPOWERme!

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