Trauma therapy

Trauma is a distressing experience that can lead to significant emotional, mental and physical harm and it is crucial that anyone suffering seeks help from a trauma therapist who can provide effective treatment.

Trauma therapist Francesco Carco of mPOWERme conducting an in-person trauma therapy session at his clinic in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

Qualified Trauma Therapist

If you are struggling with the effects of trauma and want to overcome them, I am here to help. I am a highly experienced and qualified Trauma Therapist and I offer effective trauma therapy services both in-person and online.

Trauma can result of a multitude of past experiences, perhaps most commonly from childhood abuse, accidents, or combat experience. These experiences can leave lasting impressions on us that significantly impact our lives through symptoms like anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What I do

I use evidence-based treatments like Hypno CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), Mindfulness and Havening Techniques to tap into the root cause of your discomfort and to support you in eradicating them.

Some of these methods are known as ‘psychosensory modalities’ and are key to reversing how traumas are encoded in the brain, to then ultimately aid your recovery by disconnecting you from any long-term emotional baggage and to build a new state of mind. These techniques are used alongside talking therapies that will teach you simple methods to mediate and keep your mind free from relapse and to help you manage symptoms and move towards a healthier, happier life.

In-person or online

I can provide trauma therapy services in-person at my private clinic in Maidenhead, Berkshire, or online via Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp. I will always provide a safe and confidential environment for us to explore your experiences and emotions so that we can effectively work towards your healing.

I am dedicated to providing a supportive and non-judgmental space that empowers you to reclaim your life. Don’t let trauma control your life any longer, take that first step towards a better future and contact me to book your first session.

Free phone consultation

Let’s talk…

Unsure of what you need or how I can help? Let’s talk. You can then decide what, when and how you want to progress.

Click the book button below and select the free Mental Wellbeing Consultation to get started.

About my sessions

My sessions usually last longer than an hour as I do not leave any of my clients in distress and will always continue to a point of calm. Therapy also continues when the session ends with some easy homework and if you get stuck, I am always available via WhatsApp – your recovery is my main objective!

Due to the nature of the techniques used we can have more than one session a week depending on what we are addressing, and how quickly you want the changes to materialise. Detaching emotionally from past negative experiences and painful recalls can be addressed with sessions every 2 or 3 days. If we then move into clinical hypnotherapy we will switch to once a week, as I will provide recordings of our session for you to listen at home every day until we meet again.

Francesco Carco of mPOWERme, Therapist and Life Coach practicing in Maidenhead, Berkshire & online using WhatsApp, Zoom and Skype.
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