Online hypnotherapy

What happens to me during hypnotherapy?

Your online therapist will perform hypnotherapy to guide you into relaxation. Some describe this as a trance like state but really it is more of a focused state where you mind is not wandering and is calm. It is during this focused and calm state that hypnotherapy can become effective in changing the way you think through giving advice and guidance to your subconscious.

You will not be asleep or out of control, you will be relaxed. Some people find they are so relaxed, they do sleep but hypnotherapy itself does not put you to sleep.

Hypnotherapy is taking 30 – 45 minutes out of your day to sit still and relax comfortably whilst your online therapist guides your subconscious. Perhaps that sounds like something nice to add to your day?

After having a hypnotherapy session, you won’t necessarily feel a sense of difference as you walk away. But you will notice changes to your previous patterns and ways of thinking very quickly. Therefore hypnotherapy is a brilliant element to a multi-discipline therapy plan, the results are quicker.


How does hypnotherapy work online?

Hypnotherapy can work excellently online as it allows an individual to use their own personal space for relaxation. The initial discussion and consultation are the same in person or online, but the relaxation part simply requires the individual to feel comfortable in their surroundings so that they have the maximum opportunity to relax.

Hypnotherapy online can work over the phone or via video call, the individual simply has to listen to the practitioners voice guide them. Sometimes a video call can work more effectively, allowing the online therapist to assess how deeply relaxed a person is. Once the relaxation element of the therapy session is over, the client can remain in their relaxed environment.

As hypnotherapy is a relaxation technique which enables a brains receptiveness to change, it is an exceptionally useful therapy tool. As part of a multi-discipline therapy plan, hypnotherapy is a welcome complimentary therapy used to aid the speediness of recovery.


What does online hypnotherapy help to overcome?

Body confidence:

  • Weight issues
  • Nail biting
  • Athletic ability
  • Pain management
  • Eating issues


  • Sexual assaults
  • Divorce
  • Bullying
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Grief & loss
  • Illness

Mental Health

  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Insomnia
  • Concentration issues
  • Phobias
  • Low self-esteem
  • Compulsive behaviour


  • Performance challenges
  • Communication
  • Insecurity and lack of confidence
  • Relationship problems


  • Hyperactivity
  • Anxiety
  • Anger management
  • Exam nerves
  • Attitudes
  • Stress
  • Memory or learning challenges
  • Nervousness

Free phone consultation

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About my sessions

My sessions usually last longer than an hour as I do not leave any of my clients in distress and will always continue to a point of calm. Therapy also continues when the session ends with some easy homework and if you get stuck, I am always available via WhatsApp – your recovery is my main objective!

Due to the nature of the techniques used we can have more than one session a week depending on what we are addressing, and how quickly you want the changes to materialise. Detaching emotionally from past negative experiences and painful recalls can be addressed with sessions every 2 or 3 days. If we then move into clinical hypnotherapy we will switch to once a week, as I will provide recordings of our session for you to listen at home every day until we meet again.

Francesco Carco of mPOWERme, Therapist and Life Coach practicing in Maidenhead, Berkshire & online using WhatsApp, Zoom and Skype.
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